
1.Open Spotify and your favourite playlist
2.Put the player to shuffle, no picking songs and cheating!
3. Change the song with each new question and write down the title as the answer.
4. It’s magic~
5. Good luck, mate ;D

How are you feeling today?
Telephone-Lady GaGa (Nyaaah? O.o)

Will you get far in life?
Spotify reklam? xDD
Nejmen Wenn Nichts Mehr Geht-Tokio Hotel (huh?)

How do your friends see you?
Schrei-Tokio Hotel (w00t?)

What is your best friend's theme song?
Single Ladies-Beyonce ( *asg* xDDD)

What is the story of your life?
Strange-Tokio Hotel feat. Kerli (gush, nalied it spotify♥)

What was high school like?
Pain of love-Tokio Hotel (kinda, yeah? xDD)

How can you get ahead in life?
Savior-Rise Against (d'serman)

What is the best thing about your friends?
I'm not your toy-La Roux (Hah, not so sure 'bout that♥)

What is in store for this weekend?
Der Letze Tag-Tokio Hotel (O.o)

What song describes you?
Monsoon-Tokio Hotel (...Okay if you say so? :3)

To describe your grandparents?
Fascination-Alphabeat (... c;)

How is your life going?
By Your Side-Tokio Hotel (Naww...Cute♥)

What song will they play at your funeral?
Screamin'-Tokio Hotel (SCREEEEEEEEAM, hellz yeah)

How does the world see you?
The only exeption-Paramore (...Okay, I'm not really sure how I should take that.;;o.o)

Will you have a happy life?
Love Is Dead-Tokio Hotel (*freeeeeeeze* x___X')

Do people secretly lust after you?

Ich Brech Aus-Tokio Hotel ( wut? Break Away? ;;O.o)

How can you make yourself happy?
Break Away-Tokio Hotel (gah... Same shit. Lovely shit.)
2nd option:
Superstar-Taylor Swift (Kyah, love it.)

What should you do with your life?
Sex and the city 2 reklam? ;;;O.o
Whenever, wherever-Shakira (O..Okay, good to have options, right?)

Will you ever have children?
Because I got high-Afroman (MAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! When I'm high, ne? *asg*)

Humhum.. Fick den av Pär~
Och JA, mer än halva min playlist består av TH. (Typ 10 tim musik)

Har du något du vill säga till mejj? O.o


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